CIESIN scientists authored a recent report for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) entitled Climate Migration Projections for Armenia. The report provides detailed internal climate migration projection results for Armenia, presenting information on plausible future scenarios based on the Groundswell Model, which was co-developed by the CUNY Institute for Demographic Research (CIDR) and CIESIN. The report aims to understand the influence of current drivers, factors and trends influencing migration, and to reflect on future drivers of climate-induced migration, to contribute to improving evidence and awareness of the nexus between migration, the environment and climate change among national stakeholders in Armenia.
According to lead author Dr. Susana Adamo, a senior demographer who recently retired from CIESIN, "Although the projected number of climate migrants is relatively low, ranging from a low end of 12,000 to a high end of 52,000 by 2050, understanding where the climate impacts will be greatest and their potential impacts for the spatial distribution is important for planning processes in the country." Much of the projected climate-related migration in country is out of the countryside and towards Yerevan, as well as to areas south of Lake Sevan,