Leveraging their expertise in integrating advanced geospatial technologies to support global health initiatives in disease eradication and surveillance, CIESIN and GRID3 were proudly represented by Kevin Tschirhart, in his capacity as Implementation Lead for GRID3 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), at the third AFRO Regional GIS Summit. In mid-January 2025, the WHO Regional Office for Africa and the WHO Polio Eradication Program welcomed innovators and health experts to Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, with a mission of “partnering to end polio through the use of innovative approaches to reach every last child.”
The Summit emphasized the urgency of coordinated efforts and integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to achieve a polio-free world. During the summit, Kevin provided insights on applied GIS technology for efficient vaccine distribution and the mapping of public health infrastructure, as well as equipping health delivery partners with data-driven solutions. His two-part presentation focused on GRID3 work to use geospatial data and the Geospatial Tracking System (GTS) to support both mass vaccination campaigns and more targeted polio response efforts, including the vaccination of children missed by routine activities in hard-to-reach villages.
Explore and learn more about mapping efforts in the DRC at the GRID3 Data Hub!