CIESIN/SEDAC Urban Data Featured in NASA Article

February 13, 2025

Datasets focused on the urban environment from CIESIN’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center’s (SEDAC) were recently featured in the NASA Earthdata article entitled "Meeting the Demand for Data on Urban Areas". The article describes how NASA's SEDAC has released a collection of twelve datasets to help researchers and decision makers stay abreast of urban population and environmental characteristics. The twelve datasets provide a combination of global coverage and finer scale regional and local data, and are focused on different aspects of the urban environment, such as air quality, extreme heat exposure, population size and location, and progress on sustainable development goals. In addition to the twelve current datasets, SEDAC will be adding two new collections, one on city and sub-city datasets on urban climate vulnerability and risk and another on socioeconomic vulnerability in city segments, to enhance it’s offerings on local-scale urban data.

This range of data allows SEDAC to engage different types of user communities: From people who are interested in national or international trends to those whose focus lies at the city or sub-city level.  The data also show how SEDAC’s work supports NASA’s Earth Science to Action initiative, which aims to provide the data, models, resources, and tools required to help decision and policy makers around the globe implement science-based actions on behalf of their communities..

All SEDAC data sets, which are available free of charge, can be accessed from the SEDAC section of the Earthdata website.