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Stakeholder Profile: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Items of Interest:

Researchers from the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) have focused on the salt marshes of Jamaica Bay. Core samples provide information on the bay's climate and land use history. Anthropogenic activities may be depleting adequate sediment supply, therefore offsetting the balance between sea level rise and marsh accretion rates causing marsh deterioration.


Hartig, E.K., V. Gornitz, A. Kolker, F. Mushacke, and D. Fallon, 2002: Anthropogenic and Climate Change Impacts on Salt Marshes of Jamaica Bay, New York City. Wetlands. 22(1):71-89.

Hartig, Ellen, K., Gornitz, Vivien. 2001. The Vanishing Marshes of Jamaica Bay: Sea Level Rise or Environmental Degradation. NASA Science Briefs. New York, NY: Godddard Institute for Space Studies.

Peteet, Dorothy M. 2001. Millennial Climate and Land Use History from Jamaica Bay Marshes, New York. GSA Annual Meeting, 5-8 November 2001, Boston, MA, Paper No.187-0.

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