The Jamaica Bay bibliographic database
contains more than 1,500 citations to journal articles, reports,
working papers, web sites, data, and software applications
addressing past and current research in and around the Jamaica Bay
Wildlife Refuge. This Bibliography is primarily based upon
compilations by Dr. George W. Frame and interns Patricia Luce,
Christina Sippel, Tamas Torma, and Anjil Mahaju, Jamaica Bay
Ecological Research and Restoration Team (JABERRT), Division of
Natural Resources, Gateway National Recreation Area, NY and NJ.
The bibliography is available as a downloadable .csv file.
The Gateway Research Learning Center (formerly Jamaica Bay
Institute) is the main point of contact for all documents. Where
available, contacts are listed at the end of each citation and
correspond to the following locations:
- Gateway Research Learning Center, Gateway National
Recreation Area, HQ Building 69, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn,
New York 11234, Phone: (718) 338-3799,
- Jamaica Bay Ecological Research and Restoration Team
(JABERRT) and Resource Information Center (RIC), Gateway National
Recreation Area, Division of Natural Resources, 210 New York
Avenue, Suite 2500, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, NY 10305,
Phone: (718) 354-4500
- Northeast Region Office (NERO), National Park Service, 200
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106,
- National Park Service Denver Service Center (NPSDSC),
12795 West Alameda Parkway, P.O. Box 25287, Denver, CO 80225,
- Library of Science and Medicine (LSM), Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, 165 Bevier Road, Piscataway, New Jersey