Several groups listed above are very active in beach cleanups, cruises, festivals, lectures, and nature hikes. For more information, view Public Events.
On February 25, 2010, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Pete Grannis, Deputy Mayor for Operations Edward Skyler, Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Cas Holloway and Natural Resources Defense Council Executive Director Peter Lehner announced an agreement to improve the overall water quality and mitigate marshland loss in Jamaica Bay through a total of $115 million in new investments. View the DEP press release, DEP press conference (high bandwith, low bandwith), NRDC press release. Dan Mundy Jr., Vice President of Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers recaps the events that led to this agreement.
On February 25, 2010, president Dan Mundy of the Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers presented an analysis, history, and recommendations for the former Schmitt's Marina site at the Broad Channel Civic Association meeting. View the material presented.
The Gateway Research Learning Center (previously the Jamaica Bay Institute) at Gateway National Recreation Area (GNRA), along with Wildlife Trust, Harbor Herons Subcommittee of the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary Program, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service sponsored the Harbor Herons, Cormorants, and More - Current Research and Future Planning meeting, November 30 - December 1, 2006, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, New York. The 2-day gathering featured the Harbor Herons Sub-Committee Meeting, followed by sessions including Monitoring Methodology, Environmental Toxins, Bioindicators, and Habitat Quality, Colonial Waterbird Populations beyond Harbor Herons, Population Perspectives, and Double-crested Cormorants.
Dan Mundy of Jamaica Bay Ecowatchers is a member of the Jamaica Bay Watershed Protection Plan Advisory Committee, tasked with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to generate a watershed protection plan. This activity is being tracked in the Advisory Committee section of this website.
Don Riepe (Jamaica Bay Guardian) and Mickey Cohen (American Littoral Society) are leading an investigation of the Asian Shore Crab. Jim Haley of the Broad Channel community reported at the January 11, 2006 Jamaica Bay Task Force meeting that large numbers of this invasive species were visible, and may be causing the salt marsh grasses to decline. If you're interested in joining this crab monitoring effort, contact Mickey Cohen.