Gregory G. Yetman


Greg Yetman is associate director for the Geospatial Applications Division at CIESIN. He is a geographer specializing in the application of geographic information system (GIS) technologies in applied and research fields, including population geography, natural disasters, and environmental assessment. He has acted as a technical advisor on GIS to government and international organizations and has led implementation of geospatial services for the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) that have been used in initiatives such as the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) architecture implementation pilots.

Yetman has played an integral role in CIESIN activities including the development of the High Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL), a collaboration with Meta, and the Gridded Population of the World (GPW) data set. He has led a diverse set of projects, from building-level flood impact assessment for New York State through to the integration of GIS and solar desalination modeling software. He is a lecturer in the School of Professional Studies Sustainability Management program where he teaches data analysis and visualization. He previously worked as a senior consultant and business analyst for Esri Canada and as a consultant to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation.

See Mr. Yetman's full profile on the main Columbia Climate School's website