The Statistical Abstract Supplements (SAS)

Dataset Abstract/Summary

The Statistical Abstract Supplements (SAS) are files that contain a collection of data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, as well as other Federal agencies and several private organizations. These files contain a variety of demographic, economic, and governmental data, presented with 2,080 variables, for the purpose of multi-county comparisons or single county profiles.

Archival and Access Information


CIESIN (the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network) is one of nine Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) centers funded by NASA. Located in Saginaw, Michigan, CIESIN provides access to data from the environmental and social sciences so that researchers can evaluate and understand the human dimensions of global environmental change, including the way in which population impacts the environment and the way in which the environment affects human population.


Producer: USA Counties on CD-ROM [machine-readable data files]/prepared by the Bureau of the Census. - Washington: Bureau of the Census [producer and distributor], 1992. USA counties on CD-ROM Technical Documentation/ prepared by Data User Services Division, Bureau of the Census. - Washington: The Bureau, 1992.

Contributors: The Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Social Security Administration, the American Medical Association and the Elections Research Center.

Data Retrieval:

There are 35 SAS data files in dBASE III (TM) format. The files are shipped on one CD-ROM and named as follows:

Also included on the CD-ROM are:


USA Counties on CD-ROM Technical Documentation. The documentation includes an abstract, record layout, and additional information pertinent to using the file. One copy accompanies each file order. Contact Customer Services, Bureau of the Census.

Dataset Description


The SAS files cover a variety of subjects, including: age, agriculture, ancestry, banking, business, construction, crime, education, elections, federal and local government, health, households, housing, labor force and employment, manufactures, personal income and earnings, population, poverty, retail trade, services industries, social insurance and human services, veterans, vital statistics, wholesale trade, and journey to work. Demographic, economic, and governmental data are presented for 2,080 variables. Current estimate and benchmark census results are included.

Type of File: Summary statistics.


The universe varies from item to item within the file (e.g., all persons, all housing units, all local governments, etc.). It includes the United States (the 50 States and the District of Columbia) and 3,141 counties or county equivalents defined as of April 24, 1989 (3,193 areas in all). There are three fields on the file that can be used to identify counties that are in metropolitan areas as of June 30, 1990. The files include all of the data published for counties in the last three editions of the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book (1991, 1986, and 1982) and the last two editions of the County and City Data Book (1988 and 1983), as well as a number of data items not previously published. Emphasis has been placed on extending time series in contrast to most other statistical files, which feature data for the most recent period.

Time Period Coverage:

The time periods covered for each data item vary. Generally, for data series that are available on an annual basis, several years of data are presented (e.g., personal income data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis is available from 1969 through 1988). For decennial and economic census data, comparable information from a prior census is available in many cases (e.g., 1970, 1980, and 1990 population; 1977, 1982, and 1987 retail sales).

Related Publications and Data Files

U.S. Bureau of the Census:

Contacts and References

CIESIN User Services
2250 Pierce Road
University Center, MI  48710
phone (517) 797-2727
fax (517) 797-2622 

Bureau of the Census Customer Services