Each land cover category is depicted by a polygon and identified with a land cover code. Patterned land cover maps have also been created for selected counties depicting urban, agriculture, woodland, and wetland categories (products 201, 202, 203, and 204 respectively).
The Michigan State Plane Coordinate System is used to internally store the x,y position of all lines, points and areas. This system separates the state into 3 zones. The north zone contains the entire Upper Peninsula. The central zone contains the counties including the north of Mason, Lake, Osceola, Clare, Gladwin and Arenac counties. The south zone contains the remainder of the Lower Peninsula. Coordinate positions are based on the North American Datum of 1927.
Map features are separated into different levels. Files do not contain topological relationships of map features, but can be used to create a topologically structured data base.
MIRIS Map files are created in an Intergraph IGDS vector format and can be translated to Data Exchange Format (DXF).
Maps are available for purchase from the MDNR in both digital and hardcopy formats. They can be ordered by county, township, quadrangle, or 36 sq. mile area. Here is a price list.
Digital MIRIS Land Cover Maps at the county level (product number 200)are available for purchase through the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).
Additional data sets may be located through CIESIN's Gateway.