The European Man and the Biosphere Program Database
Dataset Abstract/Summary
Man and Biosphere (MAB) is an international research program with
national committees which initiate and coordinate activities. It was
established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) to conserve humanity's natural heritage
(through biodiversity), to support integrated projects for sustainable
development, to help cope with changes in man/environment
interactions, to train conservation specialists, and to disseminate
information about their research. EuroMAB is the European Man and
Biosphere program.
EuroMAB ACCESS is a directory of the 175 biosphere reserves in
North America and Europe that are part of EuroMAB. The directory is
available in spreadsheet and database files for Apple Macintosh or
IBM (and compatible) computers.
Biosphere reserves are established under UNESCO's Man and the
Biosphere Program. The biosphere reserve enables the study of the
plants, animals, climate and other environmental features of the
region in which it exists. The biosphere reserve manager and
National Committees are working to network these sites to enable
them to share research and monitoring activities.
Archival and Access Information
Contact CIESIN User Services at 517-797-2727 or send e-mail to for a copy of this database. It is available in a
Lotus 1-2-3 (version 2.0 or later) spreadsheet or a Microsoft Excel
(version 3.0 or later) spreadsheet for Apple Macintosh and IBM PC
(and compatible) computers.
EUROMAB.DBF contains EuroMAB biosphere reserve data in the
dBase file format (which can be read by most database and
spreadsheet programs). Due to limitations of the dBase file format,
the entire database does not fit in one file. Most of the data appear in
the file EUROMAB1.DBF. However, some data is contained in the file
EUROMAB2.DBF, as well. Because of the size of these files, they are
stored in compressed form. To decompress the files, move the
EUROMAB.DBF file to the directory or folder where you would like to
work with the files. Double click on the EUROMAB.DBF icon. Click on
the box labeled "Extract" that appears. The files EUROMAB1.DBF and
EUROMAB2.DBF will appear in the selected directory or folder.
Dataset Variables
There are 87 variables in earlier
EuroMAB spreadsheet and database files and those 87 plus an additional 23 in the more recent
Data Acquisition/Collection Summary
Data from the EuroMAB1 and EuroMAB2 database files are in dBase
format and have been extracted from the Directory of EuroMAB
Biosphere Reserves. Data for the national contacts for biosphere
reserves are NOT included in the files. Information is presented on
each of the 175 biosphere reserves that are part of EuroMAB. In
cases where one reserve is in two countries, data for the portion in
each country appear at the end of the data listing. Otherwise, the
data are arranged alphabetically by country, and within each
country, alphabetically according to the name of the biosphere
Related Datasets
Additional data sets may be located through CIESIN's Gateway.
Contacts and References
Roger Soles, Director
USMAB Secretariat
US Department of State
Washington, DC 20520-7818
MAB Secretariat
1 Rue Miollis
75015 Paris, FR
voice: 331-4568-4068
fax: 331-4065-9897